Beer Can Wraps

    beer can

  • a can that holds beer
  • “A cylindrical inflatable bunker standing on one end, usually taller than a player. Also called a stand-up.”
  • aviation slang for a small winged simulator, being a Bomb Dummy Unit (BDU-48), that’s used as a safety and economy measure when practicing aerial bombardment, as in a “beer can toss” bombing run; also known as a “flying juice can”. See DIVETOSS, SKIP BOMBING; compare SOUP CAN.


  • (wrap) cloak that is folded or wrapped around a person
  • Cover or enclose (someone or something) in paper or soft material
  • Cover (the body) with a body wrap
  • (wrap) wind: arrange or or coil around; “roll your hair around your finger”; “Twine the thread around the spool”; “She wrapped her arms around the child”
  • Clasp; embrace
  • (wrap) arrange or fold as a cover or protection; “wrap the baby before taking her out”; “Wrap the present”

beer can wraps

beer can wraps – Hide Your

Hide Your Beer Covers (Set of 6)
Hide Your Beer Covers (Set of 6)
Disguise Your Beer! Hide your Beer is a unique way to cover your beer can. It’s a reusable cover that wraps around your can and looks like a normal soft drink. When the can is empty, take off your Stick on beer hider and put it on a full one. Perfect for the Golf Course, Beach, Pool, Sporting Events, Boating, you name it!! Just peel off back and slap on any cold can! Safety, Security, Convenience! Reusable over and over. Disguise your beer today! These are not magnets as cans are not magnetic, Uses a static technology. *Note. Please do not confuse these for popular soda cans. They are simply made to look like what a soda can would look like from a distance with ones hand wrapped around it rather than looking like a beer. With a close enough look, you can clearly see it is not a real soda.

Giant Beer Cans Invade Southern Alberta

Giant Beer Cans Invade Southern Alberta
In our travels we have seen these monster beer cans in half a dozen locations along the highways advertising a local brewery called Big Rock. They have wrapped hay bales for an attention getting display.

Creating Dharma Beer 14

Creating Dharma Beer 14
Creating Dharma Initiative Beer:
Wrapping the labels around a beer can.

beer can wraps

Can Covers - Hide Your Beer Can Covers (Set of 6)
# Hide your Beer is a unique way to cover your beer can. It’s a reusable cover that wraps around your can and looks like a normal soft drink. When the can is empty, take off your Stick on beer hider and put it on a full one. Perfect for the Golf Course, Beach, Pool, Sporting Events, Boating, you name it!! Just peel off back and slap on any cold can! Safety, Security, Convenience! # Reusable over and over. # Disguise your beer today! These are not magnets as cans are not magnetic, Uses a static technology. *Note. Please do not confuse these for popular soda cans. They are simply made to look like what a soda can would look like from a distance with ones hand wrapped around it rather than looking like a beer. With a close enough look, you can clearly see it is not a real soda.